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- 留學熱線:4000-315-285
This international Master program offers a high-level, interdisciplinary academic program focusing on the raw material value chain with particular emphasis on recycling.
Program outline
The AMIR Master program focuses on the raw material value chain, with particular emphasis on recycling. The two main objectives are:
Educate students to become highly-skilled European professionals with expertise in various types of materials. This expertise will enable them to develop, at a large and ambitious scale, new methods for material recycling. In addition, the AMIR program includes classes on transferable skills such as innovation, ethics, intellectual property, life cycle assessment, sustainability and advanced research strategies.
Develop a deep entrepreneurship mind-set with the help and expertise of associated businesses, incubators and innovation services as well as a large panel of industries.
Semesters 1 and 2
The first year of the Master program takes place at the University of Bordeaux in partnership with the research and technology organization, Tecnalia. Students learn about general and technical aspects of the raw material value chain (general chemistry, material science, lifecycle of materials) as well as about the main outcomes of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): sustainability, intellectual transformation, value judgments (ethical, scientific and sustainability challenges), creativity, innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship.
Semesters 3 and 4
The third semester (Master 2) is dedicated to a specialization in one of the partner universities. This part of the program offers the possibility to follow selected advanced materials classes for various applications (energy, e-mobility - magnets, transport, environments - catalysis, etc.).
The specializations are:
Darmstadt: material design for recycling
Liege: metallurgy and metals recycling
Madrid: mineral recycling for construction and other sectors
The program is completed with a three to six months’ internship (Master thesis).
Strengths of this Master program:
AMIR graduates are international entrepreneurs and innovators, able to work anywhere in Europe and beyond.
High-level education and research environment.
Practical insights with advanced research labs.
High-quality internships.
Mandatory international and intersectional mobility.
Supported by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) and the International Master program of the Bordeaux “Initiative of Excellence” (IdEx).
學制:全日制(2 年)
開學時間:2022九月27日, 2022九月26日
留學地點:University of Bordeaux351 cours de la Libération,BORDEAUX,Ile de France,33405, France
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